Well, it's pouring down rain outside and I'm bored! Oh goody, mommy left the bathroom door open and this is going to be a piece of cake!

This is what I'm talk'in about!

Yum, and so soft too! It's a shame to waste it on butts!

Riley, STOP! I think I heard something!

I could have sworn I heard mommy yell your name.

Well maybe not, I guess I was wrong. Now that's a first!

This is the best toilet paper I have ever eaten, and it's stylish too!

Hi mommy! Oh, oh, we're busted!

What's this "WE" Kemo Sabe?

We hope you're having a grrrreat weekend too!
Riley and Star.
Busted is right. Holy cat crap!! Will you be grounded for 87 years??? I can NOT believe you did this.
Star, how is it possible that even toilet paper looks good on you!
Nice job Riley, but I think your mom knows this was your idea Mr. I'm taller than Star and can reach the TP... hehehe
Hope it stops raining.
Riley and Star the good news is it matches your lovely hair. HA!! Our first kitty,Milky-Way was a champion toilet paper thief he also liked to like the tissue paper of patterns.
Riley I can hardly wait to read about our 'date'. Twix's mom said she had 100 attendees and it looks like she'll put it up in two parts.
Happy Sat Evening Madi and Mom
This call for standard operating procedure for us dogs... no it wasn't me, no it wasn't me, no it wasn't me.
Licks, hero
Ha ha - you two are so funny!!! All that tp does is make you look even more "charmin":-)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I hope you did not get into tooooo much troubles.
Of course your too cute for her to be mad too long.
Now that is my kind of party!
BOL...BOL...Lily TP the house when she was little
Benny & Lily
On no, you were framed...that's it, framed!!...We know you are both innocent bystanders...Good luck with that...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
I am having a nice weekend... but not better than yours!
Sure the toilet paper is a pawesome "toy"!
Kisses and hugs
rut roh...
i hope ya'll don't spend the weekend grounded!
the booker man
Wiley and Staw
I think you have gweat taste in toilet papew.
I think it looks like a gweat way to spend a wainy aftewnoon.
I hope you don't get into twouble
smoochie kisses
I guess woo khouldn't blame it on the skhwirrels?
Woo are tooo cute!!
How can mommy ever scold such cuties like you??
I'm sure toilet paper is the best chewie ever!
Awww I wish I could do that!! Mom put a shelf up in her bathroom so the TP sits up too high now :(
I am confused about the question you asked me on my blog.. BOL.. maybe I asked about a boy friend(dog).. I have been out of it lately..
Yes about NY.. upstate ..not me I was born in TX, but Mom yes... :)
Licks from me!!
Such little devils!
It's all fun and games until somebody takes a picture of you with a lampshade on your head! Then it becomes embarrassing blackmail material!
You little Rascal you!!!
Very cute indeed! How can Mommy possibly be cross!
Sending lotsaluv and lotsalicks to both of you beautiful little fluff-balls!
Ooooo… toilet paper is a BLAST! Auntie Sadie taught us how to get into the big bag of 48 rolls of TP that our people get from Costco, and we took 9 rolls outside and make SNOW with it awhile back. Grammy had been talking about taking us to see the snow, so we don’t know what she was so upset about!
She told us that was a big “NO!!!” so we haven’t done that again, but we still eat it if we find smaller pieces somewhere… like the headboard of Papa’s bed… The Country Corgi Pups
Uh-oh...that's being naughty! We would have been smacked at the butt for that.
Oh yes...I looooves me some TP...itsn't it just da funnest? It just cracks me up to wtch it unroll and unroll and unroll and unroll. It brings me great joy. These piktures were da most highlight of my day.
What can she expect when you get bored anyway? Maybe she should just buy you your own toilet paper so that you don't have to sneak around to have fun.
toilet paper?! didn't u pull it around the house? Sapphire would! ;p
Toilet paper is so much fun!
It was raining, what else were you supposed to do? :P
Love, Bella.
Hi, Riley & Star...
What fun...Did you get grounded??
If you did, I'm sure it was well worth it...
Abby xxxooo
Just shred the evidence, guys... That's what I do! TP, dryer sheet, post-it note, important IRS paper - no matter. It's all confetti when I'm done with it! At least it was a "clean" mess to clean up, and you both look awfully cute making it!
Brutus the Frenchie
OOPS! Did you unroll the entire roll? We hope you're not in too much trouble!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
OK try this...take the end and go down the hall up the stairs down the stairs and around the living room..A crowd pleaser every time! Love A+A
Riley a great big MEOW to you for letting me tag along last night. What a fantastic time I had. I so appreciate you being my wing man and your advice as I was scooping out the room for my own personal hunk.
Star you were one gorgeous lady in red last night. No wonder Rem is so smitten!!
Madi and Mom
My little princess! I still can't believe you said yes! I got home late last night and there was a package and letter from you. Be sure to check my blog tomorrow! THANK YOU! You are the most beautiful and generous and kind little princess EVER! By the way -- I don't think you are suppose to EAT toilet paper. We should maybe talk about this....I'll call you later! Hugs -- your Big Rem!
I think Mom was complicit in the great toilet paper caper!
im waiting for my pups to learn about the joys of TP :)
Ha ha ha ha ha... well done guys!!! I Pinot love playing with the toilet paper! It's so fun. I don't get why our mom gets upset after that.
Riley and Star, you're so so cute!! Thanks for coming by our blog. Our chief editor aka mom doesn't have a good memory so we'd love to link your blog to ours so you're one click away. Hope it's ok with you!
Momo & Pinot
Ha roo roo roo! Oh, that looks like a BLAST! Stormy said that when great-brother Booter first adopted Mom and Dad, they lived in a ranch style house. Booter could grab the end of the TP and run through the WHOLE house with it, decorating as he went! What a guy!
Play bows,
Zim are such a bad boy (but that makes you even cuter!)
BOL!! We've done that before, but your TP looks much better than do have to let us in on the brand of TP at your house!
Waggles & Chi kisses, Chewy & Lilibell
Oops! Mom is sooo happy I don't play with TP. Then again, I won't even take a step into the bathroom because I hate the shower!
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