Hi Everybuddy! Riley and Star here! It's time to enter "GABE" hosted by our Sweet and good furrend, TWINKIE! And we have a grrreat "GIVE AWAY" too! We have a lot we want to share with you today, butt first we want to wish Everybuddy a HAPPY EASTER!

Now for the give away! It's a beautiful Hanging Cross created and designed by our mommy. It is made with Antique and Vintage jewelry. Done in Ivory and gold, with a Mother of Pearl Cameo and other wonderful Antique and Vintage jewelry.
Also, with rhinestones and hundreds of pearls, crystals and tiny beads all carefully placed. It measures 9 - 1/2" x 7". It's signed and ready to hang and comes in a gift box. The picture doesn't do it justice, butt trust us. It's gorgeous! Hope you win it!

Now for the rules: All you have to do to enter for our "Give Away", is to just comment on our Blog: "I WANT TO WIN"!!! Butt, be sure to leave your comment between now and April 17th at 11:59 P.M. Daddy will pick a name blindfolded and gagged out of a box and maybe it will be yours! Good Luck! And thank you again Twinkie, for all your hard work! We love you!
Also, we want to thank all of our Bloggy-furrends who have tagged us recently. Mommy has kind of been out of pocket lately. (whatever that means, what is she? A Kangaroo!) She hasn't been keeping up with things like she's SUPPOSED TO!!! Butt she promises to catch up real soon. Thanks so much for thinking of us!

And, we also wanted to remind all our furrends, to please pick up your Friendship Award from us if you haven't already. We want to share it with all our furrends! If we don't see it on your sidebar, then we'll think you don't like us! Sniff, sniff!

Well guess what came in the mail today? Easter Cards and a beautiful bandanna for Star from none other then her Heart Throb.....

Thanks Pal, That was cool of you! And of course, Star is drooling all over her card while she reads it!

OMD! I can smell his manly body all over this card! Sniff, sniff! And he's always sending me such beautiful gifts! I think he likes me! I sure hope so, cause I SURE LIKE HIM! THAT BIG HUNK OF A BO-DAWG! Oh, I think I need a cold bath! I can't believe I just said that!

And one more thing before we close. I'll be posting a new "Dear Star" Column in a few days so if you have a question for me, it's still not too late to ask your question on this post. I always love hearing from you and helping you with your problems.
Star and Riley too!
Pee-sss: This one's for you Rem, and I just luuuv my bandanna! Thanks so much from the bottom of my heart!
Your Sweet Little Princess,

Aw, guys - I really love your Easter Costumes. The ears that hang down are really unique. Have an awesome holiday weekend, and best of luck to who ever wins the giveaway!
This post is pakhked full of khuteness!
GABE is certainly an inkhredible event!
Thanks fur sharing and pawticipating!
PeeEssWoo: He's SOOO handsome!
You are so cute in your Easter outfits!
i can't stop going awwwww :)
Happy Easter!
Love, Bella.
Your mom's hand made cross is just GORGEOUS!
You guys look so adorable in your bunny ears!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We love your header picture, you guys are so cute! Aww...those bunny ears...and wow, Remington sent you that bandanna? He sure knows what looks good on you, Star.
That hanging cross your Mum made is just so beautiful!
That cross is just beautiful.. Your mum is so clever..Everyone should be saying " I want to win "
I loved looking at all your cute pictures. How nicely you pose with your bunny ears.. LOvely post. LOved it. Hugs GJ xx
Hi Star and Riley!!! First off you two are the most precious bunnies I've ever seen!!! Talk about white and fluffy you two win the prize.
Star that is indeed a very nice bandana. Rem has an excellent eye for fashion as we all know. Tell Mom the cross is absolutley lovely.
Dear Star...I have a question....I love having my mom home with me but she leaves every day at 6:45 am and doesn't come back until 5pm. I'm a diva I need 365/24/7 attendance. How can I convince her to stay nome with me every day?
Sincerely Madi
Hi, Riley & Star...
Have Me & My Mom ever told you guys how absolutely adorable you are?? Well you are!!
The Cross is beautiful...
My Mom was sooo busy with "Grand Baby Week" that she totally forgot to sign me up for GABE...
Have a Wonderful Easter...
Abby xxxooo
I just LOVE your pictures today!!! That Remington is one grrreat guy!!
OH my .... you are both SO cute in your bunny outfits.
That was SO sweet of Remington to send you that beautiful bandanna, you lucky girl
You are some of the Most Cutest Easter bunnies I have ever seen in my whole entire life! That last picture is gonna make REmington's heart go pitter pat!
Oh, and the cross if very very beautiful! Thanks for such a most lovely giveaway!
Wiggles & Wags,
You two are the sweetest, cutest bunnies we have EVER seen!
HaVe A HoPpY EaStEr!
Riley and my little Princess, I hope you have a very Happy and Blessed Easter. LP, I won't be able to call you tomorrow as I am going out of town but I will try on Monday. I'll miss you. Beth said to tell your mommy that she is very talented! The cross is BEAUTIFUL! AND BTW, you look great in the bandanna....later....
That cross is GORGEOUS! Well, not as gorgeous as you, Star, but right up there!!! I WANT TO WIN! I'd give it to my mom - she'd really like it!
Happy Easter to all!
Play bows,
you guys are awesome easter bunnies!
I WANNA WIN!!!! What a beautiful cross..Mama LOVES it!!
Those are the cutest bunnies I have seen yet! Star you get the nicest pressies from your guy Remington!!
Oh I want to win!!
That is a pawesome giveaway :)
I'm also hosting a "giveaway" over at my blog, make sure to stop by & enter!
Remington sure has been busy this week with all the cards! The easter bunnies are wonderful!!!
You two look so cute in your ears. Just like my bro-fur and sis-fur. What a pawsome prize!
I want to win!
~lickies, Ludo
Oh My Star you look MarVELOus!!! Pink truly is OUR color, isn't it? Red too, but I just LOVE pink!
Riley My LOVE, you love STUDLY in or out of Anything!!! I sure do miss you! Mom says that you were such a gentlepup when you were here last that she has a special place in her heart for you. She also likes it that you do windows! BOL
Stephanie your jewelery is BEAUTIFUL! Such Talent!
You all have a HOPPY EASTER Weekend now.
Hugs and Kisses, Tessa
Special smooches to Riley and a huge ole Cuddle too!
i looooves your bunny ears miss star and mr. riley!! i'm so glad ya'll decided to do GABE! isn't it totally funsies!
how awesome that you got easter cards and a pressie from remington. that bandanda is super cute.
oh, i almost forgot. I WANNA WIN! my mama thinks the cross is so very lovely.
happy easter!
the booker man
Ha ha, my furiends. You expected us all to remember to say "I want to win"? You know we're all absent minded furiends. What was I saying... BOL Wait, I forgot. Huh. Oh, I grabbed the beautiful award too, thank you. Lovely bandana from Remington and gorgeous giveaway!
Hi Star & Riley!!!
You two are so cute, love the bunny ears! We are excited that GABE allowed us to find you!!!
xo martine & the kiddlets
OMD, those pics of you two are soooo cute! :) Thank you for the award! I'll be sure to include it in my award post that mom is taking forever to put together! Sorry, we don't know how to post it in our sidebar. Mom is not good with that kind of stuff! :)
The cross your mom made is soooo beautiful!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter to all of you too!
You two look adorable with your bunny ears!
Your giveaway is beautiful!
I want to win it!
Kisses and hugs
OK, officially the heart-burstingest cutest header pic I have ever seen!!! Ha-Peep Easter to you and your bunnies. :)
It was so nice finding your blog! You are both Mr. B's favorite kind of dog--he really likes the smaller, fluffy dogs...too bad he can't tell how big he is. I like your outfits.
What an amazing post! So much here, but congrats on the bootiful card from Remington - he sure is a hunk, Star! You always look so cute here, that I wouldn't be surprised if you had a dozen boy doggehs after you! And boy, is your Mom TALENTED! That is one beautiful cross - wow. I'm about to go over to Twinkie's blog and sign up. I've been a bit AWOL lately - sorry about that - and will post your friendship award on my sidebar too! Happy Easter!
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Have a Happy Easter too my Boo-Boolisious Riley Bunny!
Happy Easter to you Star and your Mom and Dad too!
Hugs and Kisses, Tessa
Dear Riley and Star
there is so much cuteness today, that I do not know if I can stand it.
You are such adorable little bunny rabbit impersonators.
Thank you for the Award- i took it.
I wanna win!! Happy Easter!! I loved my card..loved it ..loved it!!! A million tail wags!!!!
Olive :)
Happy Monday Riley and Star...
My bonnet was all trick photography....I stand firm on NOT wearing anything except my birthday suit.
Madi and Mom
Ya'll got one talented mom...that is a most beautiful cross. We loooves it, it looks very vintagy.
Hope you all had a fantastical Easter and we are looking so forward to your next coloumn.
Ooh--I wanna win!
my name is keiko nice to meet you guys!! I would love to be in your drawing!! mommy would love that cross in her bedroom...
wags and licks
Hello little bunnies,
First, "I want to win". Secondly, you look so sweet in your bunny ears. Tulip was not cooperative enough to wear hers for pictures. The best I could do is get one of her with her face down. Hope you had a nice Easter. Spring is here! That means more play outside!
Take Care All,
Tulip, Picasso, and Christy
Hiya Riley and Star! We see you're furriends with our canine cuzzin, Brind'Amour. You are the cutest little woffies we EFFUR seen! Please stop by and visit us sometime...
Sniffs & Scratches~
The Kool~Kittie~Krew
Well I do want to win, but I also want to say hello and introduce myself. Im Major the great dane from Australia, I hope we can all be friends for ever xx
Nice to meet you! And I do love your beautiful bunny ears!
Of course we will say "I want to win" - what a beautiful cross and how special that your MOm made it.
Hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi there Star & Riley,
Oh wow! "I want to win" for sure. It's a very pretty and special giveaway you have there. Happy Easter to you both and your loving pawrents. The easter ears are really cool.
Your Mom is so talented. =)
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max & the Piappies
My mom person screeched when she saw how cute your Easter pictures are. My dad person thought something was attacking her!
We would love to win that super cool cross. Please stop by my blog and enter my GABE giveaway!
Woof! Woof! Fellow GABE participant. Good to meet you ... you guys are a cutie. Looking forward to be blog friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Hi Riley & Star
Your mom is so talented. That cross is so, so beautiful.
Love Ruby & Penny
pees - Drop by our blog and enter our GABE post.
wowsers the cross is the most gorgeousness ever to be
gweat prize
pibble sugars
the pittie pack
Well Hello Riley and Star! Still making our way around to meet all the other GABE Pawticipants!
Mr. Nubbin'
Hasn't GABE been AWESOME!!! We are so thankful to, Twinkie, for this great idea and your hosting of it! We have made so many new friends, and you two cuties, Riley and Star will be to more, I'm sure! Grammy thinks you are both adorable, and especially loves the hanging down ears!
That Cross is so BEAUTIFUL! The Country Corgi Crew
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